Airpeak: Sony’s new AI robotics drone division

The field of AI robotics has been recently joined by Sony’s latest division, Airpeak, who’s focus will be on next generation drones.

There has been a decline in drone popularity in recent years, mostly due to increasing restrictions in many countries where drones can fly and also recent incidents of reckless flying. Ultimately, in spite of this, drones unlock huge opportunities.

Drones can capture beautiful photography and videography, and Sony has a stellar reputation in both these mediums, therefore making this a good technological investment. Sony’s software – Vegas Pro, is the defacto choice for many creative professionals. In a press release, Sony wrote:


Airpeak will support the creativity of video creators to the fullest extent possible, aiming to contribute to the further development of the entertainment industry as well as to improve efficiency and savings in various industries. Airpeak will also promote this project to enable drone-use with the highest level of safety and reliability in the environments where this has been difficult in the past.


Sony was granted a patent in January to use its AI and robotics expertise to stand out in exciting areas, where drones have a lot of potential. Emergency response, delivering supplies, working in factories and even tackling small fires before they spread.

Sony suggests that the company will target a wide range of customers from the everyday consumer, to large enterprises and promises to reveal further details about Airpeak in the spring of 2021.