Congratulations Sarah Ainley on her promotion to becoming a fully-fledged consultant today!
We are so proud of Sarah for her incredible achievement. Especially since having joined us on a graduate scheme only in February, she had never worked a day in the office. Not only has she quickly shot to the position of top biller of the month, Sarah has consistently hit all criteria for nothing but an accelerated career growth!
Candidate Comments:
“Sarah is a breath of fresh air. Her approach and knowledge are outstanding. I felt so focused and supported going into my interviews and she provided a clear path to landing a great job.
I am currently getting endless calls every day from recruiters, but none could come close to the amazing service provided by Sarah.”
Be like Sarah and join our Graduate Scheme where our helpful Internal Talent Manager, Cherie Price awaits your call.
Email: [email protected] / Direct Dial: 01908 766144