IT recruitment - 2023 talent priorities

IT Recruitment: Your 2023 talent priorities

IT Recruitment in 2022 has certainly been a busy space. So, what will 2023 look like? Priorities are expected to shift, with employee attraction and retention strategies at the forefront. What do you plan to focus on?

Many recruitment leaders are making their predictions, so we wanted to share our own thoughts. Talent attraction is not the only tough aspect of the IT recruitment process. Keeping employees engaged is a totally new ball game too. Here are some things to prioritise in 2023!

Relationships with potential and existing employees

It has been quite the year of buzzwords in the professional world. Quiet quitting, the great resignation, fully remote working…the list goes on. What this demonstrates is that there has been a gap in employers managing staff relationships. This of course extends to talent attraction too. If potential employees don’t see a positive culture from the entire team, they will look elsewhere.

So, it all comes down to your talent pipeline. With existing staff, if you are not aware of their current grievances then you need to get on top of this. What are their key motivations and how can you help them grow in the business? Identifying gaps in the team and upskilling employees to fill these is going to be very important as talent acquisition gets tougher.

However, this does not mean attracting new talent is impossible. Your 2023 priority should be to settle on what you are offering employees in terms of flexibility, career progression and culture. It is not one size fits all however. Hybrid working might be the best choice for you, while another company operates best with fully remote employees. Don’t look at what others are doing and focus on your team.

Leadership and management

A report by Gartner showed that 60% of HR and recruitment leaders are priortising management effectiveness in 2023. After all, they always say people don’t leave a job, but leave a manager.

Due to the shifts we have seen in 2021 and 2022, it’s fair to say leaders in a business have not had it easy. They have needed to adapt to new work practices, while maintaining empathy for their team who are also going through these changes. That’s a lot of juggling! Ultimately, you need to look at your leadership with one word in mind…human.

We are all human and teams respect a human approach to leadership. It’s not all about the professional hurdles your team face. There might be employees who struggle with certain tasks or skills. Do not approach this from a professional perspective. Instead, tackle how it makes them feel on an emotional level and address this first. Once they gain that confidence, they can then tackle their work hurdles.

Emerging IT specialisms – are they on your radar?

Certain recruitment challenges lie in talent gaps and emerging technology. 2023 will definitely test the ability to hire new talent in accordance with these emerging technology and IT specialisms. Not only is the talent looking to grow in these areas, but companies are rushing to employ people with these skills.

So, what are these emerging disciplines? Data, cyber security, cloud and Metaverse are all areas to keep an eye on in 2023. Due to the high demand around them, it will become a race for the best technical skills and candidates durable enough to make them work in your business setting.

This doesn’t mean you have to hire all of the emerging roles. Coming back to employee relationships, you might already have the potential in plain sight. If you don’t, it needs to come down to your business goals. For example, it the Metaverse something that will accelerate these or would you be jumping on a bandwagon with no strategy? Once again, search for the skills that are right for your business and not what everyone else is looking for.

Helping your IT recruitment priorities in 2023

2023 will be a big year for streamlining your recruitment strategy. It will mean acquisition and retention is at the forefront of everything you do! If you have some vacancies to fill before the new year or you want to get ahead of the 2023 January rush, submit your vacancies and we will be in touch!