IT Recruitment - Diversity & Inclusion

IT Recruitment – D&I strategies for employee retention

Within IT Recruitment, attracting diverse talent is only the first step towards building truly inclusive organisations. The real challenge is fostering a culture of inclusiveness to keep talent engaged. Retention is crucial in any recruitment strategy. It ensures that diverse voices are heard and empowered within the workplace.

According to CIO, a report showed that only 33% of IT leaders said their company’s D&I metrics improved from the previous year (2022 to 2023). Meanwhile, 51% of employee respondents believe their company needs to improve its D&I efforts, rating it as ‘poor’. So, how can companies within IT & tech improve their strategies to help their existing team feel included, happy and engaged?

Diversity & inclusion strategies to improve employee retention

Diversity in the workplace is important in the IT industry. However, the strategies for achieving this will not always be one size fits all. So, these strategies will help guide you in your IT recruitment plans for improving the workplace culture.

Leadership Commitment

Inclusive cultures start at the top. Leaders must demonstrate a genuine commitment to diversity and inclusion through their actions, policies, and decision-making processes. Leaders should hold themselves and others accountable for promoting diversity and inclusion. This involves establishing metrics to track progress and conducting regular assessments of diversity initiatives. Furthermore, they should address any disparities or challenges that arise.

Diversity Training

Implementing regular diversity and inclusion training programs can help educate employees on unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive communication practices. Introducing these concepts provides the whole business with a shared D&I framework. With this foundation in place, they can recognise biases, navigate difficult questions and confidently promote the inclusive culture of the business.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

Establishing ERGs provides a platform for underrepresented employees to connect, support one another, and advocate for their needs within the organisation. While ERGs may represent various dimensions of diversity, including race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, and more, they all share a common goal. It provides conversations around skill-building and leadership opportunities, giving everyone in the organisation a voice and feeling inspired that they too can progress and thrive.

Transparent Communication

Foster an environment of open communication where employees feel comfortable expressing concerns, providing feedback, and sharing their perspectives without fear of reprisal. The ERGs can help with this, but ultimately everyone should be comfortable communicating. Establishing an open-door policy where employees feel comfortable approaching leadership with questions, concerns, or feedback is essential. In turn, leadership teams should be coming to employees with regular updates, developments and changes within the business.

Equal Opportunities

Ensure that all employees have access to equal opportunities for career advancement, professional development, and leadership roles, regardless of their background or identity. It should be an essential aspect within the IT industry and IT recruitment strategies. It should begin with unbiased recruitment practices and continue within the employee journey. From promotions to pay equality, everyone should feel that these are accessible to them throughout their career. A clear equal opportunities policy, that is regularly reviewed, should be a staple in every business by now.

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